Thursday, 13 August 2009
Another day, Another legend dies
Friday, 7 August 2009
R.I.P John Hughes
I can't say I'm a big fan of sloppy montages and cheesey tributes but I think this one's pretty good and really epitomises Hughes's legacy as a pioneer for teen flicks in the 80's. R.I.P John Hughes xoxoxox
Thursday, 6 August 2009
A nymph? A fairy? A beautiful alien?
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
The Model as a Muse
I LOVE fashion editorials but its not just the clothes that make them's the model too. Over the years I've had a regular subscription to Vogue and occasionally I buy ELLE and US imports like Nylon, Teen Vogue and American Vogue (which is not nealy as good as British Vogue tbh) so I've become familar with a a few faces. Anyway there are some models who are chameleons and are one minute a 40's screen siren exhaling plumes of smoke from a long cigarette holder and the next they're a grungy, leather-clad beauty queen smashing the shit out of a fender; then there are the models who embody a certain feature or look (kind of like Derek Zoolander-but in a good way). Here are some of my favourites...
Lara Stone:How many models can make gap-toothed sexy?

Jessica Stam:
Amazing curves and a portrait face

Natalia Vodianova:
A Dollface. A total Russian doll.

Jourdan Dunn:
How many people can look THAT elegant on a bus?

Daria Werbowy:
limb-y, athletic and killer cheekbones

Sasha Pivovorova:
Gemma Ward look-a-like with an upside-down smile

Rosie Huntington-Whitely:
An English Rose with Bee Stung lips

"Don't you want to?" - Soho Dolls
To get a taste of their music here's a video I found on Youtube about my favourite Gossip Girl, Blair Waldorf. The song "Bang Bang Bang Bang" fits perfectly to show her sexy side and her vulnerable side.
Monday, 3 August 2009
Saturday, 1 August 2009
You may not be the best actress, but honey you got STYLE

Friday, 31 July 2009
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
The Other Audrey

I'm sooooo annoyed! I have been wanting to see this film ever since it was announced that Miss Tautou (One of my favourite actresses) would be stepping into the shoes of the iconic, legendary, petite designer Gabrielle Chanel. I love Chanel, I love Audrey, I love the equisite attention to detail in the cinematography of french cinema BUT Reading, being the corporate, big-budget Blockbuster kind of town that it is will not be showing it. Vue and Showcase aren't going to show it neither are the nearest towns so I guess I'm going have to wait till the dvd release to see this film. I'm not really too keen to watch it online either.
Your trash=My Treasure
I've been eating alot of...

Drinking alot of...

Listening mainly to....

Got new frames for my glasses... Yeah I know, right: alert the media(!)
I bought this new necklace. You can't really see it from here but it's basically alot of twisted chains and black beads with charms interwovern into it and a vintage-style pendant.
I found this Jus d'Orange dress at a charity shop. It's made of real silk and it feels so nice. It kind of drapes but really beautifully and I never wear that much bold colour so this was a chance to...
Sunday, 19 July 2009
"It should take you four seconds to walk to that door. I'll give you two"

Breakfast at Tiffany's on the West End stage?
Anna Friel as Holly Golightley?
This summer I'm hoping to get tickets to see this because how could anyone not be curious. I loved Audrey in the film (as did everyone else I know) but I think Anna will put her own little stamp on Holly and I hear it's going to stay closer to Truman Capote's novella so it should be a little darker. I love Anna from Pushing Daisies and Me without You so I don't doubt her abilities as an actress but is this venture to risky?
Monday, 13 July 2009
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Five days of Danger
So I have been back from Berlin for three days and I'm still buzzed from the whole experience and looking back it all seems a surrealistic blur of political art on walls, stunning views, tear-jerking concentration camp stories, talented street performers, dancing to some really bad tunes and getting inebriated on German beer. Memories that leave a dopey smile on my face. So I'm gonna try to condense my five days in the German capital into this blog entry and post some pictures (only a few, however, as in total I took over 400).
Our first evening was spent touring the Berlin wall art gallery which is some of the best "grafitti" (and I use that word loosely) that I've ever seen. Then after dinner we went down to the hotel bar and each ordered a different beer and sampled each others (that's how we discovered which ones we liked best and that's what also made us slightly sick). Throughout the week we I realised we kept going to all the capitalist places that were familiar to us: H&M, Starbucks, Mcdonalds. To make up for our lack of enthusiasm for real German food (lets face it, as a vegetarian it's not much fun). We "soaked" (quite literally) up the culture through drinks. I was addicted to the red Beliner Weisse which is basically beer with syrup in it (sounds nauseating but it's sooo good), the classic Kolsch beer and then there's Mezzo Mix which is half cola/half orange and helped with the hangovers from previously mentioned drinks. In Germany you can drink beer, lager and cider at 16 but you have to be 18 to drink spirits. I thought it wouldn't matter how much I drunk as someone else was bound to get more drunk than me and I'm not a lightweight at all so I had hoped the attention would never be on me the morning after but of course I was foolish to think that. I love Berlin but it's seriously lacking on the tea front. The coffee drinkers had a great time whenever we'd go to cafes but the tea left a bit to be desired and on the plane ride home there was alot of "When I get home the first thing I'm going to do is make a huge pot of Twinings". However what they lacked in tea they made up for in junk food: doughnuts as big as your head, blocks of assorted flavoured ice cream. incredibly sour sherbet sweets, sourdough cookies, pizza, fries and spicy ketchup.
On Wednesday we visited Sachsenhausen Concentration camp. It was raining that day which I was grateful for as I don't think I would've been able to see it bathed in glorious sunlight and it was an element of pathetic fallacy mirroring our moods to this particular side of German history. The whole thing was very maudlin and I don't know why but what struck me the most was seeing the striped pajamas that they were forced to wear. There was a wall where you could write and leave messages and I left a note as a small token to the impact it had on me. It's a difficult experience but I think everyone should visit a concentration camp in their lifetime. It can make you deeply contemplate the limitations of cruelty that humans can surpass.
The next day we visited beautiful Potsdam which is just outside of Berlin. It's an idyllic quiet town which was overrun by us English students singing "Paparazzi" at the top of our lungs. There are windmills and palaces and markets and grand churches and it's like another world. That night we went to a club and by the end of the night everybody was dancing (including the teachers). I only had three drinks that night (and a damn small cola I spent more than 3 fucking euros on!) as I could not afford to get drunk again both morally and economically. Friday was a sad day as it was our last and we went shopping in Alexander platz. I managed to stretch my last five euros quite far and bought a tiny converse sneaker keyring, a Berlin t-shirt, a coffee & cream eyeliner pencil and some twisted beads.
The art on the walls...
By the Riverside
At the begining of the night when no-one is drunk ebough to start dancing YET (that happened five minutes later...)
Some more art in the outdoor gallery
The Jewish memorial. You have to be there to really understand it.
These guys REALLY had talent but somehow only the girls could see this....
A tip to future visitors of Germany: Probably not the BEST idea to buy a communist-style hat in a formerly fascist country (the poor guy was just trying to be ironic but he got a lot of dirty glares)...
Some cool Germans we met outside the Sand Bar
The view from the top of Reichstag
The striped Pj's at Sachsenhausen
A sure fire sign of a good night...
Back home and looking ROUGH...